Social networking of course helps in a lot of ways but the users have to really careful to stay secure and safe. Security is one of the topmost concerns of social networking sites that you currently use. This is mainly because the social networking sites allow you to display your personal information such as name, location, and email address. There are some people who always in search of a fake identity. If they get all the information about you on internet, they may use your identity for different type of illegal activities, which may cause you problems in future. It is always advisable to don’t provide your entire identity information online.You may get many requests for adding as friends or joining different communities. Always try to know as much as possible before adding anyone as friend or joining any community. Because they may use fake identity or may involve in some illegal activities, which may spoil your image.
These are few ways you can take to protect yourself while using social network:
a) Dont make it as a habit to update status where you are to make everyone knows your location. Never share any crucial identifying information like your address, phone number, social security number or mother's maiden name online.
b) Be careful the type of information you put out there that relates to your security questions on numerous websites--putting the name of your first pet can make it easier to 'guess' the security answers on your account and hack in.
c) Don't abandon accounts. If you no longer use a social network, delete the account rather than leaving it open. For example,if you don't use your Myspace account frequently don't leave it there for a spammer. Abandoned accounts are more readily hacked as you are not checking it often.