What is the first thing that comes through our mind when talking about social networking? Why do people of all ages join SNS?
There are many answers we can get from this question. Definitely we will think about Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and other social network sites that able us to get connected with our old friends as well as can make us meet a new friends. Moreover, we are able to get updates from our loved ones and also discussing different important topics with people over the world. Another reason people involved in SNS is that they are going with the flow of the new age technology.
In fact, people using SNS like blogging to make business and gain a lot of money. Indeed, students like us also gain benefit by SNS because we can know important news from our friends about our studies such as when the result for final examination will come out. However, there are several challengers of social networking sites on our day to day life. Time consuming, unsocial, commit suicide, security&privacy and marketing challengers are the top challengers that we will discuss at here;
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